Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Late Night gotta write


Okay this needs to be quick I am getting up early to do yoga in less than 6 hours.
Here is the Daily Yoga Routine
1. Sun Salutes (5 per side)
2. Warrior Series (optional if I have time)
3. Forward Bend
4. Triangle (I really really hate this pose)
5. From the back:
5.a. passive side to side then stay & twist
5.b. Active side to side (core which means I will hate it)
5.c.Bike (more core still hate it)
5.d.Boat (Core again and I still hate core)
6. Cobra
7. Cat & moving Cat
8 Pigeon or Thread the needle (optional)
9. Savasana with legs on the wall to help loosen hamstrings. (my hammy's are very tight)

I walked the steps today (Quest Field 40 steps times 28 times) and I really noticed when you are at the steps turn and look North into downtown and you will see the Smith Tower. I is obvious which on I am talking about because when you see it you will have to agree it resembles a mans penis. I mean really this building is so falic it unbelievable and yet there it is every time people leave the stadium they have to notice it. Don't worry it is a historic building so it will be there the next time you are at Quest Field. If I offended anyone I promise to not rant on about this in future post. But it is right there it is impossible not to see it.

Okay 10:28 which is way to late.

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