Thursday, September 3, 2009

Slow Starts lately

I am really struggling with getting up to do Yoga the last couple days. I just managed a couple Sun salutes this morning and that’s it. No matter how many times I get up early it never becomes easy.

I walked the stairs (1200) today and I dragged a friend along with me so I wouldn’t be the only sweaty stinky guy in the office, thanks Dan. It is easier to do when there is more people. I have been getting some advice from people more experienced and I hope these people realize how I (the unknowing) will sometimes take a piece of well intended advice and cling to it with all my hope. For example someone I won’t mention her name (V_L) said that I should feel better with the running after 3 weeks if I run 3 times a week. OKAY I will am on week two of only one day a week running so I am guessing it may take a little longer but I EXPECT to FEEL Better soon. If I don’t then I will complain a lot. I know it may seem like how is that possible? It is possible trust me .

My current plan is to run once a weekend (3 miles) then in October I am joining a athletic club so I can swim once a week. I heard another novice swim friend is up to 300 yards already and he has only been training a month or so.

Well I have decided to rest a couple days because my left knee hurts more than I think it should. Of course that describes a lot of my body parts right now.

I have noticed that coffee is really making me jittery a lot sooner than before. I think I am losing my tolerance for it. How strange is that.

Well Thursday is rest day and my feet and legs are still sore.

1 comment:

  1. Keep going, it does get a little easier. :-) I did my first fitness eval a couple days ago. Ran the 2 miles in 16:47! Did the minimum or a couple more on the pushups, situps and chinups. I was feeling good until yesterday morning when we had a guest instructor for morning PT. As soon as he said he was big into Crossfit, and I looked at him and he was super wiry, I knew I was about to be punished. He led us onto the running track at a jog (which for me was almost a sprint) for an 800 meter run. Then back onto the field for 20 four-count scissor kicks laying on our backs, 20 push ups, 20 situps, and 20 body squats. Then back onto the track for another 800 meter sprint. Then repeat the calisthenics, and another 400 meter run, then repeat the calisthenics, and another trip around the track, and finish up with one more round of calisthenics. At least I think that was how many we did. I was completely oblivious to everything except the pain. I think this was their way of telling us that even though we met the minimum requirements, we would always be expected to exceed our limits.
    My left knee has been sore from all the running, but if I ice it after work it feels much better. I have been getting used to my orthotics and I ran with them in during the Battan Death March Crossfit workout yesterday. They definitely helped.
    I left an icepack in the freezer in the third floor break room at HQ, it's yours. It's towards the back, in a blue microfiber cover. While you're sitting at your desk, just wrap it around your knee for 20-30 minutes, then throw it back in the freezer. It's not the usual gel filled ice pack, it's filled with some kind of clay that transfers the heat/cold nice and slow and even.
