Sunday, June 27, 2010

My magic number is 26 minutes

Saturday (6/26) Amanda and I did a Brick which started with the Bike route on the Triathlon. I had not done it before and so I had no time to base my level on. Now I do and the time is One hour and 26 minutes. Meaning to make my goal I need to reduce my ride time by 26 minutes. If I can do that then I can get my Bike to be only and hour. I am going to need to work hard on the bike to make that much up. The hill on a Saratoga is a like a solid punch in the chest. No way to deflect it just have to meet and tackle it head on. Amanada calls it the BEAST and I would say that is a good name for it.

So after the bike we did a run around Goss lake which has no flat spots. Despite the hills I felt good and I used the short run to try out my new Nike 3.0 shoes. They are Wolf Grey so my shoes run faster than yours. I don't run faster but my shoes do. That is about as stupid as the "My kid did blah blah blah" bumper stickers. I am going to make one up for later in life when I can boast " My kid moved out last week and he is a fully functional well adjusted contributing to society and happy human being". That us worth bragging about.
People nowadays don't even know how to brag right. It used to be "American made = the best", but that was when we did make shit that was the best. Cars and houses that lasted. National Parks and sky scrapers that had quality to them. The inbreds today just say "America is the BEST" and expect it to be true because they say it. Sorry but it doens't work like that.

Enough ranting.
My mental strategy is evolving as the days get shorter. I am starting to get ahead of my body and want times and training amounts more than I can physically do. This weekend is a good example, I was going to rest after the 16.5 miles trail run last week. That turned into a Brick on Saturday and a mile and half swim in Goss lake on Sunday. I feel tired and sore but it is a good sore.

More later and today's song is going to be. "O O Child things are gonna get easier" sorry don't know the name of that . I am also grateful the people on South Whidbey are so generous and nice people to share their experiences and knowledge.

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