Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day 184 – Something felt right.

February I have yet to do any Yoga so that is still a goal I need to work towards. Spinning class is not sounding very attractive too me right now.

I ran last Sunday 3 miles with a friend who has not run in a long time and he did really well. He went farther and longer in a quick time (we did 3 miles in 35 minutes) than I could have done when I started. Nice going Brian you really know how to punish yourself. When I started I really sucked in the beginning, I mean like I would run 100 yards and then walk. I sort of still suck now but because I have been here the whole time I have a hard time seeing it. I have come a long way and completing the Triathlon seems like something I can actually do. I mean I realize I am not ready yet (I have a lot of training left to do) but I no longer see it as impossible task. Just a really really difficult one. This mostly has to do with I no longer think I am going to drown in the lake.

So Report Card:
Sunday 3 mile Run,
Monday Ran for 50 minutes with Donnie (estimate about 4+ miles)
Tuesday Swim for an hour.
Wed hide behind getting a lot done at work to avoid going to spinning class.
Thursday Swim for an hour.
Friday – Planning on a run.
Today I was swimming and at one point well into the swim I realized things had been going smooth for the entire lap. For about a length and half I forgot what I was doing and concentrated on breathing with only one eye out of the water and I found my pace. Wow I would like to find that place every time I swim. I need to go read “Total Immersion” again and improve my form.

The problem is I have been reading “ChiRunning” and focusing on improving my running so that I can continue injury free. I will have a harder time remembering what I have read if I read both books at the same time. I want to complete my training for this Triathlon without injury to slow me down. I can only focus on so much Loop and Lift at one time. I think it is the hardest in the pool but I like the pool the best.
Swimming is a challenge but I am seeing improvement and it doesn’t make me as sore. I get tired all over but it is a gentler tired compared to running or spinning. I like the feeling of swimming now, it is really nice to slide into the water heading into that first 200 warm up. Letting my body just remember how to move best in the water. I really can let go of the rest of my day. Today was a great example of that, I crammed to complete a top issues document on the way into work. Handled email and other small issues for the first 45 minutes, then into a meeting at 7:30 am then right after that I had to conduct a high risk stress filled 90 minute window of work. Then I raced up to the pool to have more time swimming. Once I slipped into the water and down the first 25 yards all of that sort of melted away. NICE.

I was talking with Donnie about how if you want to find the time in a busy schedule you just find the time to exercise. Once you make it a priority or make the Decision. A definition I once read somewhere “To Decide = to cut off all other choices”. I have decided to train today and so I find the time in my schedule.

“Always there with the free advice. Just another Day” John Cougar Mellancamp

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