Monday, July 26, 2010

The neighbors you meet living in the country

Sitting here on the steps of Quest field thinking I have10 days of training left.
Maybe 8 or so more workouts with nothing to intense scheduled. It is so close now and seems sort of unreal. Hard to believe only one more weekend before I put all my hard work to the test and see what I am capable of.
I watch a couple people walk the steps and remember when I used to do that same walking. I think this week and next I need to be vigilant and go to sleep on time so my body is well rested.

Yesterday I was impressed after Kathy and Amanda described the 40+ mile hill ride in the 80+ degree heat we were having. They pretty much rode every challenging hill on the south island except Swede Hill Road. As always the South Whidbey Iron Mommas set the bar high. Turns out they are not so good with cutting things. The rule should be for any S.W.I.M. member about to do an event, No sharp objects.

I headed out to get a brick of my own in. Today would be a run and a swim because I did a 20 mile ride early Friday morning. I prefer exercising in the morning instead of later in the day. O well some days you don’t get to choose and you just have to follow Whinny the Pooh’s advice, and “make the best of it”. I headed into the woods and ran my 5 mile trail loop but it went slowly today probably because of the heat. The trails felt familiar and welcoming like old friends on a Sunday afternoon. It was a nice run even though my plantar wart was hurting some. I froze it a couple days ago so hopefully it is dead and this discomfort is just the pain of that freezing. It was a constant irritant and annoyance on the entire bike ride on Friday. I may taper off my running over these last 10 days so I give my body more chance to heal that part before the big day. At this level of discomfort it would not hamper me but it would take some of the enjoyment out of it.

Finishing the run I headed over to Goss Lake for a quick swim and whoa I was not ready for the collection of “critters” at the lake. Usually there are not too many people and they appear to be relatively normal. Not this time, this time it was like a Jerry Springer show covering the public beach, whispers of “You don’t know me” and “whateva I do what I want” floating in the air. AS I changed into my wetsuit I was looking around trying to find the banjo player. She found me, darn it darn it darn it. I have this automatic tracking that tends to pull the looniest critters out a crowd right to me. I hate it and I have no way to control it or turn it off. So this "critter" (I am borrowing this term from Jason H.) comes at me from the water, half crawfish half the lady from throw momma from the train and wants to know if I am going to swim under water with my wetsuit. I squint into the sun so I don’t have to see her 3 toothy smile and I try to be polite telling her I am just swimming across the lake. Her smart brother-husband proves how he was born to be comic by first telling me “I don’t need a wet suit”. (Oh really I just thought these 45 other people and the sweat all over my body (I had just completed a 5 mile run) in the lake were tricking me). Then in case I missed that funny he tries again by asking if I am going to “swim down to the glacier in the bottom”. What am I supposed to respond with? I have done it again I have inexplicably drawn the crazy people out of the crowd and to myself in some strange way making them want to interact with me. My wetsuit sticks on my legs. Please God why on this beach of 45 people do I have these two wanting me as their new best friend in the 6 minutes it takes me to put on my suit. “Hey I once swimmed the lake in overalls and a t shirt” my little Umpa mud-guppy says. Finally I get the legs up. I think her cross eyed brother-husband is distracted trying to catch mosquitoes on his tongue. “Yeah for fidee bucks! It was hard but I did it”. One arm in, “See that house over there with the pointy top”. I swear to God I am not making this up these are her conversational pieces verbatim. Second arm in, almost free.

“I swimmed from there to here in overalls and a t-shirt for fifty bucks. And it was worth it.” I was very very frightened of hearing next ”I’d do anything for 50 bucks.” I wish I was faster and already in the middle of the lake. Finally I zipped up and slipped my goggles on and swam straight out as fast as I could squeezing my eyes shut for the first 50 yards so I didn’t see any “dooky” I expect would have come from her.
I don’t have anything against crazy people or critters lower on the evolutionary ladder like “carnies” except what I think is a healthy fear/respect for them. I like them when they are OVER THERE, under sedation or in a cage. Someone should convince them they have special talents and they could go on the road putting on shows of their special talents. The ones without any real talent could paint their faces to look silly and see how many of their friend could fit in a really small car or phone booth. This is why you should trust your instincts and realize your childhood fear of clowns is a healthy fear.

So collect them all and put them in one place with a bright movable banner and they could move from town to town sharing their “special talents” with everyone. Someone already did this and his name was Barnam and Bailey. Please encourage him to do it again when you see him next.
I am somehow drawing these freaks to me. I don’t know how or why but remember growing up there was always one friend who got caught. For me and my friends that was Johnny, he always was the one who got caught. Me I guess I am the one who gets the crazies. In some strange chemical way I manage to get the attention of the mentally unstable or evolutionally challenged whenever I am within some invisible proximity.
Free at last I relished this swim and thought about not returning but it was a long walk half way around the lake and I had already done my run for the day. The swim turned out to be a very productive swim. I did notice my right shoulder (actually both but the right more) stiff and it was hard to determine if it was the suit not on all the way. This morning it is clear it was my shoulder.

I swam the 2/3 of a mile and felt glad the swim is the first event because while it was refreshing to get into the lake after the run it was also more difficult.

Monday, July 19, 2010

I don't chew pretty.

If you asking how does this title and subject relate to my transformation then all I can say is they both come from the warm dark places in my mind.  I would guess the extra soft spots.
I was thinking on the train the other day about self realization. These transformation from Couch Potato to Triathlete have brought to my mind many self realizaions.
Things like, "I can run more than a mile!" ; "I can swim 10 laps in the pool!"
"I can get shin splints!", "I can make my nipples bleed!",
"I can run for two and half hours straight!" "I can swim across the lake!"
"I can chafe my crotch so bad I walk like a cowboy!"
"I can ride the Saratoga hill, twice!", "I can learn to run and swim!"

One of my first self realizations I can remember is when I became honest with myself  about what I look like when I chew gum. The cold direct self honesty of admitting "I don't chew pretty" and I wish I could was a freeing experience.
So when you are chawing on a peice of gum and you think you look like the "Ice Man" in Top Gun all cool and sure of yourself; but in reality you look like a crotchety old grandpa with some over done pot roast stuck in his dentures. That is the part of self realizing that is not so fun.
Damn I really wanted to look cool doing that! Okay, so I am not ever gonna look cool doing that.
Another form of self realizing is when you go for a run on the beach for 5 miles and admit that is was sort of "eh, not all that".
"I actually prefer running the trails in the woods somewhere". Saturday we were on vacation on the Oregon coast and so I went out for an hour run on the pristine beach. The setting doesn't get much closer to picture perfect (well with a reduction of the 20 mile hour head wind it would be perfect). Sun is out with a BREEZE (15 - 20 mph) at my back, the emerald ocean waves breaking on my right, two story sand dunes on my left and no one but the tampax lady running at me. I (dodge Ms. T. with my swim move) and begin my run staying on the hard packed sand because I am not trying to regain my heavy weight title. I am not Rocky and I don't have an Apollo creed to help me get back my eye of the tiger. Anyway I am running and while it is kind of nice to have a completely flat path with no visible obstructions as far as the eye can see it is also sort of boring. I sort of feel like I should be going "Ah" or having some magical self realization as I run this beatiful beach. "Nope" didn't happen for me. All I got was an up close and personnel visit from some ones great Dane.
Nothing like a big wet slobbery Great Dane lopping towards you with no where to run to help facilitate self realizations.
I did appreciate being alive after the great dane mouthed me a little and decided I was not his chew toy. His owner smiled and says "He doesn't bite". I thought to myself "Great. Does he Trample?" Those dogs are big and if the just wanted to jump and play over the top of you for a while you would feel it the next day.
So I realized I prefer running in the trails of the woods over running on the picturesque beach. As I turned around and ran into the BREEZE I appreciated it more and more. It was hard to tell how hard I was working becuase all the sweat just blew away and it seemed like I was barely moving across the picture. I did enjoy the run but not as much as I expected too.
I think I also realize I don't run pretty either. Some runners look all natural and effortless and smooth as the cruise down the road, trail, or beach, and then there are others who...well not so much. I belong to the not so much group. I think it is safe to say most people would probably categorize me as "He don't bike pretty or swim pretty either". At least not as smooth and cool as I think I look when I am doing these things. That's okay if in my internal camera inside my head I look cooler or sleeker or faster than I actually am.

It just might be that self delusion of how I think I look that keeps me going long enough to finish. So in my head watching me for you is like watching Michael Phelps transform into Lance Armstrong into the Usain Bolt,(You know the olympic sprinter)  well I don't know any famous distance runners (note to self: examine this concept more later).
Some self delusion is good for the soul. It may be that self deulsion is all we have left to hold onto when we are out there trying to swim across a lake or peddle up the final hill or run the last mile.
Self delusion has been used many times for the positive in the history of me and the history of everybody.
Self delusion may be just the concept that we all depend upon to complete these crazy transformations. Start with a large mouth, insert leg, chew vigorously for 9 minutes or until soft. Add a couple pinches of Self realization mixed with two cupfulls of self delusion and a pound of desire. Simmer on med high for 364 days. Remove from heat, garnish with a wetsuit, swim cap, a road bike and some colorfull running shoe laces.
It may be that Batman is just a man with an over active sense of self delusion.
Don't judege me if I am wearing a Batman cape and Superman under roos on race day.  Just smile and nod your head in understanding that I am out smarting myself.

Today's song is "The Grand Illusion" by Styx

Welcome to the Grand illusion

Come on in and see what's happening

Pay the price, get your tickets for the show
The stage is set, the band starts playing
Suddenly your heart is pounding
Wishing secretly you were a star.
But don't be fooled by the radio
The TV or the magazines
They show you photographs of how your life should be
But they're just someone else's fantasy

So if you think your life is complete confusion
Because you never win the game
Just remember that it's a Grand illusion
And deep inside we're all the same.
We're all the same...
So if you think your life is complete confusion
Because your neighbors got it made
Just remember that it's a Grand illusion
And deep inside we're all the same.
We're all the same...
America spells competition, join us in our blind ambition
Get yourself a brand new motor car
Someday soon we'll stop to ponder what on Earth's this spell we're under
We made the grade and still we wonder who the hell we are.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Oh! No I'm Not.

This morning I was up at 5:00 and drove to Goss Lake and started my bike ride of the Tri loop. It was a very nice morning and I felt good even thru the first climb. The Saratoga hill known as "the beast" was still a punch in the chest but I stayed on the bike and slowly p - e -d -d -l -e -d to the top. Thenbe's  when I was rounding the church I slipped behind a pack of real bike riders. This is where I answered the question of are you a cyclist. The ugly truth is Oh No I am Not. As I tried to stay with them focusing on how effortlessly and rapidly they were spinning their legs I knew I still have work to do. A lot of work to do in this sport. I had them in sight for about a half mile to a mile and then I lost them on the down hill. after turning on Andreason I did catch sight of them and I passed them at Goss Lake rd. They stopped due to one persons mechanical difficulty and thankfully I went straight. I can tell I am not yet a cyclist because I still peddal instead of spin and that is enough to seperate the real vs the wanna be's

Biking is my weakest at this time and I am okay with that. I will probably not get it dialed in before the race and I am okay with that. I finished the ride which on my catseye was 18 miles (twice around the loop and back to Goss Lake) in one hour and thirty minutes. This was slower than Amanda and my ride when I first did this route.

Next up was my swim and this was the first time I swam by myself. That was a little freaky and I had some head games going on for the first part of it. I would say I did however learn that if I counted strokes I could give my imagination a break while my logical side worked and thus be less freaked out.
As I have these ridiculous and yet vivid fear of dead people coming up out of the lake to grab me and drag me to a watery death I am reminded of the insanity of it. It reminds me of how I was on my honeymoon in Hawaii snorkling when I saw a sea turtle swimming away from me and paniced and swam away fast as I could. I have always been as scarred as a little school girl in the water.
So in order to stop my insane fears I am taking a two pronged approach. 1. think happy thoughts and 2. count my strokes which is more effective.
I also think I need to get in the lake more often to familiarize myself with the surroundings. Just keep going back like a glutten for punishment. Well the swim or atleast the last 15 minutes was a nice swim and the water was surprisingly warm.

So feeling like a super hero having completed all this befoe 8:00 am I decided to take it a little farther and see if my body could hold up enough to do a 4 mile run in the afternoon. YOu know what? Not only did it hold up but I ran 4 miles in 38.21 minutes which is the best I can remember. I now know I can do all 3 events in one day and survive.

That is a big boost of confidence for this ex couch potato.
I am feeling more and more confident about this Triathlon and getting excited to put my best effort on the line.

So following that on Sunday I rested.
Monday I did a mile swim and that felt good. The pool is differnet than the lake and I need to try to lake route without stopping and count my strokes so I have an idea on how often I need to sight. In my head I have this idea that I should be sighting about once every 50 strokes so I want to test that theory. I need to remember that wanting to go fast and trying hard is forcing it with swimming. Relaxed efficient movement that might feel slower is actually faster swimming.
Tuesday I did the spin bike for 60 minutes followed by a 10 minute run to let my legs experience the transition. A stationary bike is easier than actually riding a bike.
Wednesday I ran 5 miles along the waterfront of Seattle. The minimalistic shoes I wear (Nike Free 3.0) make running on Concrete even more tiring on the feet. Looking forward to trying some running on the beach soon.

Today's song is dedicated to my "voice of self doubt"
Tom Petty "Don't Come around here no more"
Give it up stop.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

6am in Deer Lake

So Tuesday I rested and Wednesday I had a crappy swim workout. By crappy I mean I didn't feel like my muscles remembered how to do anything write and my breathing was distracting. All of the body parts were moving on their own so I had no rythm.

This morning I went out to Deer Lake for a swim with the Masters swimmers who are all welcoming and nice people. My instructions were just to shop up at this driveway at 6:00am and stay to the right. So I did and I met Krista and Jeff. If you want to be a masters swimmer then your should name yourself Kristin or Krista or Christina or some variant. No one confirmed this but I think it makes you more boyant. Maybe I will change my name to Chris? Naw to late in life for that.

Anyway change into the wet suits and you could not ask for a more beautiful morning, calm lake with the sun coming up just over the trees. About 60 degrees and no wind. I get my intructions to swim across the lake to the yellow house just left of the sun. Krista points out the two other swimmers already out there and reminds me to keep an eye out for each other. I hear the instruction but I am not really sure what to do with it? As we head out about 150 yards off the shore I am quickly out paced and on my own.
I think this is freaking me out this morning "I should just go back and try again another day."
No I will stay. No I will probably drown and they can tell me wife what happened. NO stop. Just relax and you can't drown in a wet suit.
Stop thinking about sharks and Jason from Friday the 13th. Just focus on your stroke and pushing your armpits down on each glide. Focus on swimming from the core and  letting your head swivel on its axis.
Okay back to relaxed swimming.
Trying to sight the house from the water level all I can see is the Sun and it is HUGE and bright.
Swimming in the open water is amazing and wonderful but I get these minor panic moments where I say "You don't belong out here" or "You are in the middle of a Lake." Then I have to talk myself down of the panic ledge. On the swim into the sun I had to do that about 6 times. The foriegnness of this water and the newness of swimming across lakes and with no one to watch over me together all add to my anxiety.
The masters swimmers are sort of watching, at least enough to tell Amanda "we stopped seeing him somewhere over there". That is not going to happen that is just stupid talk in my head/
I started counting my strokes and I found this is another way I can stop "freaking out". I managed to get past the pointing of wanting to turn back, past the point of wanting to scream out help help for no reason. I am in a wet suit for pete's sake. My panic sense doesn't care that I don't sink at all in a wet suit. My panic sense just wants to panic.
I make it to the far side to the dock at Krista's parents house (see note on names above) and now we head back. On the way back I focus on my form and count my strokes and try not to think about how far it is. I did better on the way back and I did learn that my tendancy is to swim "Wide Right" which is a good thing to know about yourself. I only had about 3 small panic moments (and those were minor ones) on the way back which is an improvement.
Climbing out of the water I am happy to have completed a mile swim before 7:00am and to have completed my first swim in Deer Lake. I think it will get better and easier as I get more used to open water. I intend on going every Thursday morning for July and maybe into August.

The race is getting closer we are at 30 days now. 30 days of training left and then we test out all this work.

1. Remain injury free.
2. Complete the Triathalon
3. Shooting for 20 minute swim, 60 minute Bike and 40 minute run.

Song for the day is "Oh Happy Day" and "When Dove's Cry" as seen on the Romeo and Juliet Soundtrack. I like that acapala style of singing. Good Acapala rocks. A band called NOTA is my favorite.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

"Just to see"

It was a solid training weekend being a holiday weekend and very busy busy busy. Saturday Aunt Katie watched the kids so Amanda and Scott went running with me. We met at the Saratoga entrance and it was an hour run in the woods (5-6 miles) followed by a 15 Kilometer bike ride. I am using Kilometers because the cool gadget on my bike that list how far I have come is only in kilometers.

Being the smart guy that I am I threw out the instructions (instructions? who needs instructions) so now I can't figure out how to switch it to miles. I am remembering now that I am not so much the smart guy as much as the smart-ass guy. Doh! Anyway if you want to convert it to miles it's like multiply it by .6. That is more math stuff, that us smartass guys usually leave to the smart guys when we can. It's not that I can't do math in my head, I could. It is more that I am saving my brain pathways that would be doing that for more important stuff that might be coming soon. I am a planner, and I plan on using my brain later. So I have plenty of free pathways without traffic jams.

On Sunday the 4th it was too busy to get any exercise in, unless I count the 45 times little man rode his bike up and down shore ave. My 4 year old, well I have two now so I better clarify. My youngest or newest 4 year old is totally in love with his new bike. So in love with it he rides down the street mumbling or whispering" me love my new bike" or "me love my blue bike" it is hard to tell. If you have ever seen the sitcom "on ABC called "The Middle" he reminds me of brick the youngest son when he repeats himself. I think he is trying to put more milage on that thing than most Tour De France racers do. He went for a ride with me and then with his cousin Ally and then his cousin Brian and then his Uncle Andrew and then with Grandma and then his mom and then back to Daddy some more. He would probably still be riding if we had let him.

So Monday (thanks to more family babysitting) we swam Goss the lake at the coldest part of the day. This was not suppossed to be a "just to see" what it would be like to walk around with numb feet for awhile. This was a make the most of having a babysitter. That is why we had to swim without waiting to see if the day would get better. Or in my case to for a mile in 30 minutes and then ran the 4 miles of what will be the tri's running course. Amanda and talked about what a benefit we normnally get because we usually run a 5 mile loop by our house. Our loop includes either a half mile horrible hill called Heggenes Hill or a long slow mile climb on Dear Lake road. The Triathlon course is a lot easier because after you get off the bike and up the first hill it is either level or gradual the rest of the way. So it was during this run that we were talking about Amanda competing in a half Iron Man this fall. This is when the subject of "Just to see" came up. Which is this nefarious answer to the question which sometimes you ask yourself. "Why am I wanting to do this" It may range anywhere betweeen an internally whispered dialoge or all the way to an external exclamation in rage, "why am I doing this?"

The nefarious answer is: "Just to see" if I can do it.

What? Oh okay.

Now wait a second. When you think a little farther along that question you begin to comtemplate the horrible truth. This leads to much self doubt about if you love yourself or not because the idea you would accept that answer so readliy is proof you need therapy.

Nefarious defined is "utterly immoral or wicked" for us here in this rant it is enough to say NOT GOOD.

"Just to see" If I can do the race leads to much suffering and toil.

Think if we used same logic with what we eat? "I am not sure if this plant will make me puke or give me frequent and excessive discharging of the bowels producing thin watery feces, usually as a symptom of gastrointestinal upset or infection." But I am going to eat it "Just to see". Would our friends really let us continue on that path? The next time you are hanging out with people whom you consider your friends ask them "just to see" if they would punch you in the neck because you want to find out if you can take a punch like that and still breath normally? I mean is that not the same thing as someone saying I am going to do a half Iron Man "just to see" if I can. Consider for a moment if you can't do the event. Your bound for a nefarious destination then. At the bottom of a lake? , or on the side of the road in a ditch mangled together with a heap of metal? Or stumbling and blithering along like an idiot savant on the side of a highway somewhere reminding people why it is not safe to pick up hitchhikers.

Ask me again why I am doing the Triathlon and I will smile and say "Just to See"